The listing below is of all the stones found in the Valley Chapel
Cemetery in Perry Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania. Pictures are included of the
stones of descendants found in the cemetery in April of 2000. The Cemetery is located
near Brock, across from the Valley Chapel church, at the intersections of TR 536 and TR 868.
There have only been occasional burials here in recent years, but the cemetery appears to be
well maintained. Click on the name for a photo of that gravestone. After
viewing the photo, use the BACK button on your browser to return to this listing.

Calvert H. Ewing (d. Nov. 20, 1881)
Calvert Sarah M. (d. Mar 1, 1886, w/o H. E. Calvert)
Chalfan, Susanna (d. Dec. 6, 1884, w/o Robert Chalfan)
Connor Mary A. (1838-1915)
Delaney, Susannah (b. Jul. 29, 1860, d. Apr. 28, 1888, w/o L. Delaney)
Harris, June V. (1929-2000)
Headlee, Amanda (1857-1911, w/o H. H. Headlee)
Headlee, H. H. (1858-19--)
Headlee, Mary (b. Sep. 2, 1911, d. Jan 11, 1912, d/o Everett & Ocie Headlee)
Headley, Florence (b. Jan. 7, 1880, d. Dec. 10, 1888, d/o G. F. & S. A. Headley)
Headley, G. Franklin (1853-1923)
Headley, Hazel (1893-1896, d/o G. F. & S. A. Headley)
Headley, Sarah A. (1859-1937, w/o G. Franklin Headley)
Husk, Clark F. (1870-1950)
Husk, Ida Owens (1871-1938, w/o Clark F. Husk)
Husk, Oliver H. (1841-1930)
Husk, Mable F. (b. Mar 17, 1911, d. Apr. 14, 1911)
Husk, Mahala F. (1842-1932, w/o Oliver H. Husk)
John, Almeda (1855-1907, w/o Andrew H. John)
John, Andrew H. (1857-1942)
John, Blanche A. (1897-1984)
John, Firman D. (1886-1976)
John, Haddie Louisa (b. July 1, 1874, d. Jan. 19, 1941, w/o William Haines John)
John, Helen A. (b. July 15, 1918, d. Jan. 20, 1976)
John, Mary Lou (1952-1952)
John, William Haines (b. Aug. 15, 1862, d. Aug. 7, 1942)
John, William P. (1896-1971)
Jones, Clara Ada Mae (1947)
Kiger, Birtha Leone (d. Apr 6, 1885, d/o C. E. & C. Kiger)
Kiger, Calvert (d. Feb 28, 1894, s/o Charles E. & Catherine Kiger)
Kiger, Catherine C. (1843-1924)
Lemley, Jeremiah (1847-1923)
Lemley, Lucinda (1845-1916, w/o Jeremiah Lemley)
Lemley, Sarah Dulaney (1887-1918)
Masters, Eva E. (d. Feb. 1, 1892, d/o J. A. &. E. M. Masters)
Masters, N. M. (1859-1914)
May, George (1827-1906)
May, Henry L. (1862-1881)
May, Mary (1828-1889, w/o George May)
Minor, Albert Ross (1878-1921)
Minor, Arabelle (b. Mar 14, 1865, d. Jan. 17, 1940, w/o Elick B. Minor)
Minor, Elick B. (b. Nov. 30, 1865, d. Jul. 15, 1952)
Minor, Hester (b. Mar. 15, 1824, d. Jul. 20, 1907, w/o Samuel Minor)
Minor, Infant Daughter (d. Jan. 3, 1891, d/o A. B. & Bell Minor)
Minor, Infant Son (d. Apr. 8, 1889, s/o A. B. & Bell Minor)
Minor, Infant Son (d. Jan. 8, 1890, s/o A. B. & Bell Minor)
Minor, Marion (1849-1893)
Minor, Rhoda A. (b. 1858)
Minor, Samuel (b. May 23, 1822, d. May 25, 1898)
Minor, Samuel E. (1889-1912)
Minor, William R. (1882-1932)
Moore, Minnie Walters (b. Sep. 1, 1878, d. Aug. 23, 1896)
Roach, Ora Ethel (b. Apr. 23, 1889, d. Feb. 3, 1890, d/o Wallace & Ellen May Roach)
Spitsnagle, Carrie (d. Apr. 1, 1883, d/o J. & D. Spitsnagle)
Spitsnagle, Dorothy (b. Jan 3, 1841, d. Mar. 5, 1887, w/o J. Spitsnagle)
Spitsnagle, Jeremiah (d. Feb. 22, 1882, s/o J. & D. Spitsnagle)
Spitsnagle, Simon A. (b. Jul. 26, 1867, d. Mar. 9, 1885, s/o H. C. & Margaret Spitsnagle)
Spitznogle, Artie (1894-1906, d/o S. E. & M. J. Spitznogle)
Spitznogle, Gail (1896-1897, d/o S. E. & M. J. Spitznogle)
Spitznogle, H. Clay (1843-1907)
Spitznogle, Infant Son (1904-1904, s/o S. E. & M. J. Spitznogle)
Spitznogle, James F. (b. Jun. 5, 1875, d. Jul. 22, 1926)
Spitznogle, Margaret (1849-1932, w/o H. Clay Spitznogle)
Spitznogle, Mary J. (1871-1914, w/o Simon E. Spitznogle)
Spitznogle, Simon E. (1867-1945)
Spitznogle, Sylvie Carl (1898-1929)
Spitznogle, T. G. (Gar) (1887-1950)
Stephens, Bowen (b. May 23, 1848, d. Aug. 4, 1891)
Stephens, Orphia Orilla (b. Dec. 18, 1888, d. Jun. 5, 1899)
Stephens, Robert Ross (b. Mar 26, 1875, s/o B. & R. E. Stephens)
Stephens, Washington (b. Mar 17, 1816, d. May 24, 1889)
Walters, Charles B (b. Oct. 1, 1897, d. Jan. 15, 1927)
Walters, Clarence (1901-1917, s/o Elza & Sophia Walters)
Walters, Dorothy (b. Jun. 4, 1833, d. Dec. 27, 1903, w/o Jacob Walters)
Walters, Elza (1862-1947)
Walters, Jacob (b. Jul, 1818, d. Jun. 20, 1896)
Walters, Martha (b. Jun. 24, 1878, d. May 18, 1942)
Walters, Sophia (1865-1951, w/o Elza Walters)
Walters, William Lory (b. Dec. 31, 1874, d. Dec. 21, 1954)
Whitlatch, Addie (1873-19--, w/o David Whitlatch)
Whitlatch, Blanche (1905-1905, d/o David Whitlatch)
Whitlatch, Catherine (b. Apr. 4, 1821, d. Mar. 27, 1891, w/o J. Whitlatch)
Whitlatch, David (1866-1915)
Whitlatch, Donnie Fay (b. May 27, 1893, d. Aug. 24, 1894)
Whitlatch, Eli (1852-1902)
Whitlatch, Goldie L. (1886-1905)
Whitlatch, Hannah C. (1862-1905)
Whitlatch, Infant (d. Nov. 22, 1883, s/o J. & M. Whitlatch)
Whitlatch, Infant (b. May 6, 1885, d. May 6, 1885, s/o L. H. . & H. M. Whitlatch)
Whitlatch, Ruth S. (1853-1907, w/o Eli Whitlatch)
Whitlatch, Ruth S. (d. May 8, 1892, d/o E. & R. Whitlatch)
Whitlatch, Two Infants (b. Aug. 28, 1876, d. Aug 28, 1876, d/o J. & M. Whitlatch)
Whitlatch, Woodward S. (b. Aug. 31, 1874, d. Jan. 10, 1895)
Known to be buried here, but stones not found:
Brock, Rosa Husk (1887-1968)
John, Roy Edward (1950-1950)
John, William (1954-1955)
Masters, Francis M. (1882-1885)
Stephens, Griffon (1846-1848)
Stephens, Joanna (1820-1916)
Stephens, Marion (1857-1859)
Stephens, Sarah (1836-1837)
Whitlatch, Jacob (1820-1882)
This list has been supplemented with the information found in Dorothy T. Hennen's Cemetery Records of Greene County.