The listing below is of all those known to be buried in the Whiteley Chapel Cemetery in
Whiteley Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania. Pictures are included of every stone found
in the cemetery in February of 2000. The Cemetery is located on the north side of SR 2018,
a few thousand feet east of the Garards Fort exit of Interstate 79. This cemetery has been
abandoned for some time and is rather overgrown. It has suffered
from a great deal of vandalism and many stones are broken or down; others are likely covered.
Click on the name for a photo of that gravestone. After viewing the photo, use the BACK
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There has been much vandalism here and many stones, like those in these photos, are damaged or toppled.
Blaker, Columbus (d. Oct. 21, 1888, s/o C. & E. Blaker)
Blaker, James E. (d. Dec. 6, 1877, s/o C. & E. Blaker)
Bradford, Mary (d. Mar. 6, 1816, w/o James Bradford)
Bowers, Catherine (d. Sep. 5, 1899, w/o Henry Bowers)
Bowers, Elizabeth (d. Aug. 25, 1851)
Bowers, Henry (d. Mar. 14, 1892)
Bowers, Josephine (1860-1933)
Bowers, Josephus (1857-1927)
Bowers, Morgan (d. Mar. 20, 1892)
Bowers, Sarah E. (1859-1924)
Bowers, Johnnie H. (d. Dec 23, 1892, s/o J. S. & Josie Bowers)
Bowers, Lucinda (d. Aug. 24, 1849)
Bowers, Marion (d. Jun. 6, 1872)
Bowers, Mary (d. Sep. 26, 1847, w/o Jacob Bowers)
Fordyce Family Plot
Fordyce, Elizabeth (d. Jul. 17, 1814)
Fordyce, Elizabeth (d. Dec. 12, 1838)
Fordyce, James H. (1804-1883)
Fordyce, Joab B. (d. Apr. 1, 1857)
Fordyce, John (d. Apr. 30, 1848)
Fordyce, Joseph M. (Jun. 16, 1834 - Mar. 30, 1875)
Fordyce, Nancy B. (1809-1892)
Fordyce, Nancy (May 23, 1841 - Aug 29, 1873, w/o Joseph M. Fordyce)
Fordyce, Samuel (Oct. 17, 1734 - Dec. 5, 1824)
Fordyce, unknown (Unreadable stone found among Fordyce stones)
Fuller, Lizzie (d. Jan. 22, 1875, d/o John S. & Emily Fuller - in Hatfield Plot)
Guthrie, Samuel (d. Mar. 29, 1903)
Hatfield Family Plot
Hatfield, Franklin (d. Oct. 26, 1877, s/o George W. & Mary Hatfield)
Hatfield, George W. (Jul. 30, 1816 - Jan. 10, 1892)
Hatfield, Mary (Dec. 10, 1806 - Jun. 13, 1893, w/o George W. Hatfield)
Henderson, Hannah (May 7, 1851 - Mar. 29, 1899, w/o J. F. Henderson)
Henderson, James W. (d. Jul. 30, 1917)
Henderson, William (Mar. 2, 1881 - Feb. 17, 1912)
Holt, William O. (d. Jun. 29, 1896)
Kirby, Isaac (d. Feb. 1, 1834 - stone now worn & illegible)
Kirby, James (d. Mar. 21, 1835, s/o Isaac & Phebe Kirby)
Lantz, Andrew (1839-1912)
Lantz, Elizabeth (d. Aug. 23, 1851, w/o Henry Lantz)
Lantz, Jane (d. Nov. 24, 1882, w/o John Lantz)
Lantz, John (d. May 26, 1876)
Lantz, Lucretia (1839-1900, w/o Andrew Lantz)
Long, Mary (d. Feb. 6, 1817, w/o James Long)
Morford, Elizabeth (d. 1813, d/o Daniel & Catherine Morford)
Myers, Rebecca (d. Feb 27, 1881, w/o Andrew Myers)
Roberts, Benjamin (d. Sep. 21, 1841)
Roberts, Jane (d. Feb. 18, 1851)
Roberts, Jemima (d. Aug. 9, 1845)
Roberts, Joseph (d. Nov. 11, 1854)
Roberts, Joseph B. (1832-1923)
Roberts, Malinda (Jul. 14, 1818 - Dec. 30, 1892)
Roberts, Mary A. (Dec. 10, 1818 - Jul. 1, 1890)
Roberts, Morris (Jan. 20, 1814 - Jun. 16, 1887)
Rose, Casandria (d. Nov. 12, 1891, w/o Eaton Rose)
Rose, Edon (d. Jul. 27, 1861)
Rose, Rebecca (Nov. 12, 1812 - Jul. 5, 1894)
Stephens, Amanda Arabell (d. Nov. 18, 1881, d/o Lindsey & Margaret)
Stephens, Edward (d. May 3, 1846)
Stephens, Hannah (d. Feb. 2, 1854, w/o Edward Stephens)
Stephens, Job (d. Jul. 16, 1848)
Stephens, Margaret (Dec. 30, 1843 - Oct. 27, 1863, w/o Lindsey Stephens)
Stickles, Charles A. (Aug. 20, 1933 - Jan. 30, 1947)
Stickles, Charles Hagan, Sr. (Jan. 10, 1902 - May 19, 1963)
Stickles, Emma (1866-1921, w/o Johnson Stickles)
Stickles, Johnson (1861-1939)
Stoops, Eli (1837-1915)
Stoops, Samuel (d. Aug. 16, 1854, s/o Andrew & Jane Stoops)
Stoops, Sarah Jane (1852-1920, w/o Eli Stoops)
Weaver, Francis P. (d. Oct. 19, 1851, s/o B. & E. Weaver)
Williams, Elizabeth (1816-1906)
Unidentified stones:
B. R. (very old stone - nothing more on stone, possibly footstone)
Infant of J. C. ? (d. 1846 - remainder unreadable)
J. S. R. (1853-1864 - nothing more on stone)
R. M. (rough, hand-carved stone)
unknown (very worn, unreadable stone)
unknown (small, very worn stone)
unknown (small or broken, very old stone)
unknown (broken stone)
unknown (partially buried stone)
unknown (very old, partially buried stone)
Known to be buried in this cemetery, but stones not found or inscriptions not able to be read:
Bowers, Clark (d. 1851)
Bowers, Jacob (d. 1816)
Boyce, Francina (d. 1829, w/o Francis Boyer)
Fordyce, Eli L. (d. 1857, s/o Joseph & Eleanor Fordyce)
Fordyce, Jane (d. 1851, d/o Joseph & Eleanor Fordyce)
Fordyce, Joseph Baily (d. 1845, s/o Joseph & Eleanor Fordyce)
Fordyce, Maria (1816-1868, w/o Benson Fordyce)
Guthrie, Nancy (d. 1901)
Kirby, George H. (d. 1827)
Kirby, Phebe (d. 1852, w/o Isaac Kirby)
Lantz, Harvey (d. 1851)
Mason, James (d. 1910, s/o James & Fannie Mason)
Myers, Andrew (d. 1883)
Neel, Esy (d. 1883, s/o J. & H. Neel)
Reed, Martha (d. 1824, w/o Paul Reed)
Roberts, Elizabeth Lantz (1830-1902)
Roberts, Jemima Ann (d. 1845, d/o Henry ∓ Nancy Roberts)
Roberts, Hannah (d. 1820-1876)
Roberts, James Carr (1816-1869)
Roberts, Margaret (d. 1902)
Roberts, Maria L. (1847-1917)
Roberts, Mary Ann (1827-1875, w/o James C. Roberts)
Roberts, Mary M. (d. 1873)
Rose, Aaron (d. 1856)
Stoops, George Melvey (1875-1911, s/o Joseph & Jerusha Stoops)
Stoops, Jerusha Roberts (1839-1925, w/o Joseph Stoops)
This list has been supplemented with the information on Whiteley Chapel Cemetery
found in Cemetery Records of Greene County, Pennsylvania, by Dorothy T. Hennen, 1979.