Margaret Kiger Headley Obituary

Composed in loving memory of Maggie Headley, wife of David L. Headley of Brock, who departed this life September 28, 1902, aged 34 years. She was [unreadable] when quite young and joined the M. E. church where she remained a faithful member until her death. She leaves a husband and [unreadable] small children to mourn the loss of a kind wife and loving mother. Everything was done that kind hearts could do by physicians and friends but all were in vain. The Lord said he had need of her and took her from her little family. She called her friends to her bedside and bade them goodby by shaking hands. She kissed her husband and her three children, and told her friends not to weep. Raising her hand toward heaven she uttered, "He has sent for me and I'll have to go." She went calm and peacefully away leaving a bright testimony behind that she was going to a better world. It is so hard to lose such a dear friend, but our loss is her eternal gain. But one good consolation. We have parted, no not forever, but to meet again on that blissful shore where parting is no more and we will never say goodby.

Newspaper obituary, date and source unknown (Greene County, PA)

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