Eli Whitlatch Obituary

WHITLATCH - Mr. Eli Whitlatch died at his home at Brock, this county, Tuesday night, September 16, 1902, of typhoid fever, aged about 51 years. Mr. Whitlatch was a son of Jacob and Catharine Whitlatch, deceased, and has been twice married. His first wife being Miss Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Washington Stephens. To this union eight children were born. One son and an infant are deceasedand a daughter Alice is married to P. L. Headlee. One son and four daughters remain at home. Less than two years ago, he married Mrs. Jennie Headlee, of Pennsboro, W. Va., and to this union a daughter was born a few days ago. The funeral was conducted Thursday, by Rev. Tipper, of the Waynesburg M. E. church. The pastor Rev. Robinson being on the sick list. The bereaved friends have the sympathy of a large circle of relatives and acquiaintances.

Newspaper obituary, date and source unknown (Greene County, Pennsylvania)


Eli Whitlatch, a highly respected citizen, died at his home near Brock, this county, Tuesday, Sept. 16, aged 55 years of typhoid fever. The funeral was held to-day, services being conducted by Rev. Tipper.

Waynesburg Republican, September 18, 1902 (Greene County, Pennsylvania)

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