T. T. Williams Obituary

Dr. T. T. Williams of Nettle Hill, died Thursday, June 4. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Larimer at the doctor's late home, and all that was mortal laid to rest in the family burial ground. The bereaved family were surrounded and upborne in their afflication by sorrowing neighbors and friends throughout the entire neighborhood, who assembled in great numbers. Dr. Williams had lived in Nettle Hill for more than thirty years. He was not only a well educated and skillful physician, but a genial, kind-hearted, charitable man, who literally died in the harness, being stricken with paralysis at the bedside of a patient. Although 70 years old the last Sunday of his life was spent in the Sunday School. As a physician he went where duty called, and did not count his bank notes for the tears he shed, or measure his attention by the length of his patient's purse. The sad, tearful faces of many who gazed for the last time on his gentle, patient face attested to the gratitude of their hearts. He will indeed be missed.

Waynesburg Republican, June 18, 1896 (Greene County, PA)

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